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The performance of your website is critical to the success of your company’s online presence. It has an impact on a number of crucial parts, such as your site’s visibility and conversion rate. 

Low website performance costs money by decreasing conversion rates, harming your brand, and negatively impacting your Google results. Today, we came up with 5 issues that will degrade your website’s performance. After you’ve recognised these difficulties, you may solve many of them using free WordPress plugins and high-quality web hosting.

1. Unoptimized website code

This issue is most noticeable on WordPress websites that use huge themes. If your website is built on a large theme, half of the code loaded may be superfluous.

Your JS/CSS may contain obsolete polyfills or may not be minified at all. This problem may be mitigated substantially in WordPress by optimization plugins that can minify code. Unfortunately, problems with styles and interactions are not unusual after activating such plugins.

Poorly written WordPress plugins frequently load excessive bloat, whether your site requires it or not. This enhances page load speed while slowing down your site.

Simply doing speed tests before and after adding a plugin to assess its influence on performance might aid in maintaining the performance of your website.

2. Lack of server cache

Caching is a standard solution to all web performance issues. Caching is the process of storing and delivering generated HTML code rather than dynamically constructing the page using server resources.

Efficient caching may significantly reduce the time required to render pages, but there are several pitfalls.

This can significantly enhance your WordPress website, but it might also have unintended repercussions. For the most dangerous pages, you can experience difficulty with page rendering and certain HTTP failures.

3. Poor image optimization

One of the most common mistakes is uploading overly huge pictures to your website.

Images and videos, for example, might be fairly big. Compression optimization can assist to reduce their size and, as a result, optimise your website loading times.

It’s usually a good idea to optimise photographs before uploading them. TinyPNG is a free online application that compresses your website photos while maintaining their quality.

Another thing to think about is lazy loading pictures. The lazy load will postpone obtaining the picture until the user sees it.

4. Too many plugins

Too many plugins, or even a few large ones, might slow down your website and cause it to run poorly. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, always uninstall any plugins you aren’t using.

Too many plugins on your site can result in security breaches, site crashes, poor performance, sluggish loading times, and other issues.

A decent rule of thumb is to never have more than 20 plugins. If your site is hosted on shared or low-cost cloud hosting, limit the number of plugins to no more than five.

Use just the plugins you know you need, and update them on a regular basis to close any security gaps. Remove any inactive plugins from your site and replace them with those from respected developers and corporations.

5 Outdated server

Although optimization is beneficial, there are situations when your server is at a fault. If you’ve tried everything to improve your website’s speed and it’s still slow, the issue might be with the hosting provider. 

Your web server might be the initial cause of trouble. In such circumstances, it’s essential to switch to a hosting service that won’t stifle your site’s speed and performance.

Your website’s resources could just be insufficient. If your site is slowing down during peak traffic hours, it may be time to update.

Another issue might be the location of your server. If your clients are in Malaysia, you should avoid using servers in India, as this can significantly increase initial load times.


Your website’s performance and response time are inextricably linked to its success, therefore seizing any chance to improve it is worthwhile. 

Understanding why your website’s load times are slow may assist improve both its SEO and user experience (UX), resulting in improved exposure and a higher conversion rate.

We’d love to talk with you right now if you’d want to learn more about the importance of website performance or get in contact with a professional who can create a successful website for you.

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