There is no secret recipe for getting your marketing activities completed in order to achieve the desired outcomes. Still, there are so many smart practices and ideas to attempt that we don’t know where to begin. Google, the world’s most prominent search engine, is one of the greatest locations to begin advertising online. This post will show you 10 Google Search Ads tips and best practices for ensuring the success of your campaigns.
1. Have a Clear Campaign Goal
Knowing the ad campaign goal allows you to design your Google Ads account properly and evaluate the efficacy of specific marketing actions.
It’s a good idea to do your homework before setting goals for your own campaigns. You may believe that conversions are usually the best option because you are obviously concerned with money generation, but this is not always the case.
Other marketing and executive stakeholders, on the other hand, will be looking through Google Analytics, and it’s critical that the figures match on both ends. Otherwise, you’ll spend too much time debating the differences rather than studying the data.
2. Structure Your Campaign for Each Product/Service
Knowing which queries lead to clients purchasing your products or service is critical. To get there, keep using particular terms to reach out to certain customers while creating a keyword list.
If your ad does not correspond to the products and searcher’s goal, you will not receive enough clicks to justify your ad expenditure. Your headline and ad language must match the keywords you’re bidding on, and the service your ad promotes must address the searcher’s pain point.
It’s a mixture that will produce the desired effects, and it might be as simple as a few modifications. You may build many advertisements for each campaign, which you can use to split test which ads work best. To optimise over time, split test different keywords of each product and service into a campaign. The goal is to sell outcomes and get the buyer enthusiastic about the prospect of purchasing a product.
3. Keep the Ad Copy Easy to Understand
Your ad copy can be the difference between a click on your ad and a click on the ad of a rival. It’s critical that your ad text reflects the searcher’s purpose, is relevant to your target keywords and addresses the persona’s pain point with a proper answer.
The keyword must be included in the ad text headline so that we know right away that this ad is relevant to what we’re looking for. The description explains why this is the greatest option for the potential consumer, increasing the probability that they click on it.
A high CTR (click-through rate) for your ad copy will help you identify how well they are doing and whether visitors are engaging with them when they see them in the search results.
4. Use Negative Keywords Actively
Negative keywords are keyword phrases for which you do not wish to rank. Google will remove you from the bid list for certain keywords. These are typically semi-related to your desired search phrases but fall outside of the scope of what you provide or wish to rank for.
Negative keywords are really useful in this situation since they not only tighten the relevancy of your ad groups so that one ad speaks to a whole range of keywords, but they also increase the likelihood of people clicking on your ad and actually converting.
Using negative keywords not only attracts more relevant people to your website but also saves your business money.
5. Clean Up Your Google Ads Account from Duplicate Keywords
At first look, it may appear that each or some of the duplicate keywords are bringing you traffic and even conversions, so you should maintain them. Consider your options carefully.
Duplicate keywords not only have a negative influence on your Quality Scores, but they may also eat into your budget. If you bid twice on the same term, both will be placed into the same auctions, and you will compete with yourself, raising your own CPCs.
Taking the time to remove duplicate keywords in your Google Ads account every month is necessary.
6. Use Google Ads Extensions Wisely
Using the correct ad extensions for your audience highlights your ad, enhances the ad experience and increases click-through rates. All ad extensions did not cost you any single extra penny.
These extensions are classified into one of five types: sitelink, call, location, offer, or app.
Sitelink Extensions extend your ad and help you stand out in the Google search result list. It provides additional links to your site that offer users more enticing reasons to click.
Call Extensions enable you to include your phone number in your ad so that people have an extra option to contact you.
Location Extensions put your address in your ad so that Google may show searchers a map to help them locate you. This option is ideal for businesses having a physical location.
Offer Extensions are effective if you are running an offer price. It can tempt visitors to click on your ad above others if they find that your selections are cheaper than your competitors.
App Extensions offer mobile users a link to download an app. This lowers the friction of having to make a fresh search in the Google Play Store to discover and download the app.
7. Improve Quality Score
The Quality Score is produced by combining the performance of three components:
Expected clickthrough rate (CTR): The probability that your ad will be clicked when it is displayed.
Ad relevance: The degree to which your ad fits the intent behind a user’s search.
Landing page experience: The relevance and usefulness of your landing page to those who click on your ad.
When you first start up your Google Ad campaign even before you increase your bid amount you should pay the greatest attention to your quality score.
The higher your quality score, the cheaper your ad expenses and the better your positioning.
8. Pick Keywords Wisely
Knowing which keywords lead to clients purchasing your product or service is crucial. To get there, keep the following in mind while creating a keyword list. Begin small when launching your Adwords advertising. Make a list of 5-15 keywords and begin bidding using broad match modifier.
Exact Match – matches to exact same keywords or close variants
Phrase Match – matches to search terms that include the keywords phrase without any keywords in between
Broad Match – matches to misspelling, synonyms, related searches, close variants
Broad Match Modifier – matches to search terms that include all keywords preceded by “+”
9. Landing Page with a Single Action
Make a list of the outcomes you want from your Google Ads landing page. In other words, align your internet marketing strategy with your company’s marketing goals.
Every single landing page should only have an action for the visitor:
- Sign Up for a subscription
- Generate lead
- Increase website traffic
- Appointment booking
- Template download
The more specific you are about your goals, the better your results will be, and the better you will be able to create an Ads campaign to drive clicks to your Google landing page.
10. Mobile-Friendly Landing Page
Make your webpages scalable for mobile, tablet, and desktop viewing by using responsive web pages.
Nothing is more off-putting to a mobile customer than clicking through your mobile Google ad and landing on an extremely clunky, difficult-to-read website. Make things simple for your consumer, and they will convert.
Be very specific about why you’re requesting information and what your consumer will receive from you. This will boost your conversions on mobile or tablet as well as your Quality Score.
You can constantly fine-tune your Google Ads campaigns to achieve better results. Small tweaks to targeting, keywords, headlines, and text can have a significant impact. When establishing a campaign, use and fill out all information sections to ensure ad quality.
These Google Ads tips can help you obtain more results and perform better. The majority of these hacks are simple and quick to deploy. As a result, you will be able to observe their influence on your ad performance once you do these optimizations.